Face tutorials


  1. I think you did a bad job on this picture. You didn't use enough details. His hair looks like a little kid took a crayon and colored everywhere. As for his beard, it looks like his neck was slit open. If you would of fixed those two mistakes. Your picture would of been nice. Because of those two mistakes... I give you a D+.

  2. I like this painting because you use different brushes to make the hair. Next time try to take more time doing the face instead of wasting all your time on the hair.

  3. Mr. Oropeza , i think you did a good job on following the perpuse of us making a face tutotial. it turn out really good . the only thing is that the colors are to dark , it miight of help to put some lighter colors . the hair turn out really reallygood. you got the different types of brushes , sizes shapes and evetything going out in there props .

    The things i dislike about this is the shading. it look kinda crapy. and i dont know if the shading in the buttom is the beard or shading. i cant figure it out you might of wanted to lighten the opacity , and used the blur brush. the eyes look alright for begginers but could of done better.

    Over all it was alright ill give you a 7 out of 10. Keep practicing on the shaqing ill you’ll do well.
